Get Involved
Feed our families.
While we feed almost 400 families weekly, we cannot assist our waiting list of 100+ others without your financial gift.
Thank you for your generosity.
Financial Transparency
Our fiscal year end on September 30 highlighted tremendous growth from the previous year. Our budget nearly doubled from the prior year, and 85% of our funds go directly to our charitable programs, helping families in need in our community. We were also able to increase our staff team to help accommodate the growth, and prepare for even bigger things to come.
Donating items?
Our families most need:
Fresh Vegetables & Fruits
Apples, Oranges, Bananas
Tomatoes, Carrots, Red Peppers
Potatoes, White Onions
Diapers & Wipes
Size 4, 5, & 6 diapers especially
Baby Formula
Enfamil in pre-made or dry formula
Dried Goods
Cereal, Rice, Pasta
Pasta Sauce, Soup, & Canned Goods
Jam, Honey, Peanut Butter
Salad Dressing & Cooking Oil
Any meat donations appreciated
Halal meat especially
Volunteer with us!
There are many wonderful opportunities for you to support our community of families. Here are a few open roles:
Drivers (Class 5 license required, truck provided)
Food Hub volunteers (see hours)
Weekly Program facilitators (training provided)

We’re grateful for our Partners.
There are many businesses and other non-profits that provide us with donations, discounts, and dollars! If our work at Raphael House resonates with your organization’s values, consider partnering with us.
16th Ave. Farms
Backpack Buddies
Big Box Outlet Store
Canadian Car & Truck Rental
Christian Life Assembly
Cobs Willowbrook
Deltaview Farms
Freybe Gourmet Foods
George’s Gourmet Meats
Glenwood Valley Farms
Harder Foundation
Hello Fresh
Heppell’s Potatoes
Houweling Nurseries
Jericho Ridge Community Church
Langley Food Bank
The Langley Foundation
Langley Rotary Club
Skidmore Foundation
Sources Langley Food Bank
Southgate Community Church
SouthRidge Fellowship Church
Tamara Foundation
Union Gospel Mission
United Church of Langley